
Projects Model

The main target projects are grouped under 3 main headings. The diagram below describes the loop.

GLC Game Services

It is a token service provider project that saves mobile and computer games from blockchain costs. GLC (Games Loop Coin) is a web3 service token that provides crypto services to mobile and computer games.

1) Common digital currency use in the industry

2) Bi-directional secure communication network setup

3) Reducing the web3 burden on game developers

4) Establishing win-to-play standards in games

5) Keeping GLC token economy alive

6) Increasing and accelerating in-game content sales


Gameligo is a crowdfunding and collaboration system for the gaming industry. Equity-based crowdfunding refers to a project or venture company raising the funds it needs from the public through an electronic platform ("Platform"). There are many crowdfunding systems operating globally.

Gameligo follows a path that follows the dynamics of the sector from the parameters in the application process to the pre-evaluation, committee and interview processes. The evaluation and committee teams are experts and managers who are active in the gaming industry. Again, the basic information requested in the application process; category, genre, platform, concept, theme, story, mechanics and dynamics etc. are parameters directly related to the industry.
